Having a driving conviction really can have a negative impact on your life. It will significantly increase the cost of your insurance premiums if you can get insured at all, and it can make it very difficult for you to get back behind the wheel at a time when you are probably already nervous about doing so. Luckily, we offer cheap convicted driver insurance which will help you to get back on the road for less.
Cover for All
It does not matter what you received your driving conviction for, we will try to find a suitable convicted driver insurance policy for you at the most affordable price possible. We believe everyone should have a second chance and that is why we work closely with insurers and convicted drivers, to ensure that those convicted of driving offences can afford to get back behind the wheel.
Minimizing Cost
We can help you obtain more affordable convicted driver insurance but, you can also help minimize the cost yourself by minimizing your risk. Doing things such as taking drunk driving course if that is what you were convicted for), parking off-road and reducing your mileage can help you to further lower the cost and get a better deal to get you back to driving without a huge financial burden.